Given the current conditions and the period we are obliged to overcome, the measures and strategies by which our company’s employees are motivated, determine its progress. The employee is the key factor in the success of a company

The essence of a company is represented by human resources – this is the only possible way to create value, a flow of creativity, but also the originality necessary to discover all the possibilities of knowing one’s limits.

The employee represents the basic element in a company/organization, around which absolutely everything is developed and built. In this way, those flexible benefits that are offered to the employee are highly appreciated, because they give him freedom and control over the decisions he can make to be able to meet his own needs.

The employee is the key factor in the success of a company

Precisely for this reason, the human resource must be modeled, motivated, and supported at the same time, for a more intense involvement on its part, in achieving performance. The most efficient solution that can ensure the survival of a company and to maintain its success, is represented by investments in the company’s employees.

At the moment, many people are characterized by certain levels of aspiration, implicitly, of what motivates them, and this is a subjective one, which is why the process of motivating an employee is unique. At the base of every behavior is motivation, because people need certain reasons for every action they perform and even for the way they act or behave in society.

Motivation is the totality of embodies and aspects that determine people to act in a certain way, to achieve their own goals.

Also, to motivate someone, we can say that it represents the action of impelling the respective person to behave in a certain way, to initiate an action. The secret of understanding motivation is represented by certain connections between needs, objectives, and impulses.

When a person is driven to perform a certain action or to adopt a certain behavior, they excel.

Also, motivating employees can mean the following:

  • Offering certain financial rewards, but also other facilities for all contributions to the company
  • Development of feelings of social and professional fulfillment

We can also talk about other factors that can encourage employee success, and these are: creating a pleasant work environment and encouraging initiative.

In the context in which we are at the moment, employees are concerned with the following aspects:

  •  Existence of more efficient internal communication
  • The reputation of the company in which they work
  • Considerable salary

Trends in the global market in employee motivation

Many managers are very concerned about taking on a more important responsibility, namely to motivate their employees to achieve the performance of the company.

Also, many companies realize the need to motivate their employees’ interest in participating to a greater extent in contributing to the company’s success.

All companies that maintain a greater concern for employee motivation will always have an advantage because a motivated employee is a more productive employee. This aspect positively influences the results of the companies.

At the moment, the salary is not enough to ensure the existence of motivation, but also the involvement of employees. This context constantly requires new ideas, when it is necessary to find ways to retain and reward employees.

Employees achieve performance to stay in the company for a longer period.

For managers to determine a more productive behavior of employees, they must adopt motivation policies based on the following factors:

  • Age
  • The position that the employee holds
  • The department
  • The personal wishes and needs of the employee

Strategies for motivating employees

A large proportion of companies adapt their motivation strategies in line with the attitudes they see in employees – they become increasingly stressed and insecure about work.

Certain factors, including technological advancement and the rapid change of the global market, but a lot of pressure on employees, who are becoming more and more concerned about job security.

Therefore, there are several motivational strategies that all managers must apply.

  1. Reward from the first year of seniority

In most cases, a large number of companies motivate their employees only when they reach certain seniority within the company. Currently, companies implement certain programs with which employees’ efforts can be rewarded, even if they have recently worked in the company.

  1. Creating a culture in which employees’ results are appreciated

More and more companies are trying to address this strategy even though it is sometimes more difficult to control. There must always be considered an existence between this type of program, but also the values that are promoted by the company. Many employees appreciate companies that have already formed an organizational culture that is based on flexibility and independence.

Each company must focus on teamwork, provide support and trust, but also honest and real feedback.

  1. Increasing the degree of transparency in professional development

This is an accessible way in which any company manager can increase the motivation of all employees – the emphasis must always be on open communication. Many specialists consider the fact that free discussions with employees, but also transparent communication in the team, are very valuable and only bring benefits to the company.

Every employee must be notified of all changes that take place in the company, but also remuneration policies. Also, employees must be offered high transparency when it comes to the professional path taken so far.

The employee must be recognized for the value of the work performed

  1. Recognizing the merits of employees using Social Media platforms

The use of social platforms has become more and more common among people, both in personal life and in professional life. Public recognition is an excellent way to celebrate an employee’s accomplishments (this tactic has a greater impact on business)

  • Extends the praise of the employer and brings greater visibility
  • Represents an educational moment in informing the employees within the company, about the importance of the work done

When the appreciation of an employee’s success is made with the help of social networks, he will feel rewarded by his team, but also by the users who follow the account. Recognition must come from the corporate levels, not just from the top down,