Days are getting shorter and nights are getting colder. The Winter season is here. Even though we are all distracted by holidays, gifts, and delicious foods, we also need to stay healthy and strong in front of diseases and viruses. The easiest way is through a balanced diet which includes fresh fruits and vegetables that provide us with vitamins and minerals. To make it easier for you, we have put together in this article a list of the best vitamins for the immune system and foods you can find them in.

Everyone wants to have a healthy immune system that protects them from viruses. From an early age, we have learned from our parents “to take our vitamins” and rather to prevent than to fight an illness. To avoid supplements, the healthiest path to strong immunity is nutrition and food. If your body has balanced nutrition, it initiates a very efficient response against viruses.

Are you getting your minerals and vitamins? It is time to stay health-conscious and take advantage of everything nature provides us with.

Here are the best vitamins for your immune system!

Each and every one of them plays a role in the well-functioning of your body. Therefore, a diversified meal plan will help you take in all vitamins necessary.


This is probably the first vitamin that comes to your mind when talking about immunity. It has many health benefits and it is also a good antioxidant. Vitamin C can be easily taken from fresh fruits such as oranges, kiwi, cherries, and vegetables such as broccoli and spinach. It has a big role in protecting your body from colds and strengthening your immunity.


This vitamin is all about enhancing your immune system. It fights against inflammation and infections you may contact during the cold season, such as the flu. You should keep in mind that vitamin A is not produced by your body. Therefore, you should include in your diet foods such as carrots, eggs, milk products, and fish.


Vitamin D or the “sunshine vitamin” has a protective role against colds and the flu. It is strongly connected to your exposure to sunlight which is low during the winter season.  However, it is essential to keep your vitamin D level high as it helps you absorb calcium and other minerals. You should try and include in your meal plans foods like fish, red meat, eggs, and cereals.

What other vitamins are important?


All from vitamin B5 to B6 and B12 have the role of strengthening and protecting your body from external viruses. Any deficiency in vitamin B will lead to a reduction of antibodies and an inefficient immune system. You will be predisposed to infections and low defense against diseases. Your daily menu has to include seeds, cereals, milk, avocado, bananas, and poultry.

  • ZINC

Similar to vitamin A, your body is not able to produce Zinc by itself. This mineral has the ability to promote the growth and development of cells in your body. It is also one of the main remedies for colds and throat infections. Zinc is not efficient only in fighting infections but also in shortening the length of the disease. Focus on milk and whole grains to make sure you take in the daily amount of Zinc!

  • IRON

Just like other minerals and vitamins, iron plays its part in the efficiency of your immune system. It has the role to carry oxygen to cells and promote the good functioning of your immunity. Moreover, it fights anemia which, untreated, may lead to a low immune system and high risk of contracting viruses. Iron can be easily found in foods such as red meat, turkey, fish, broccoli, and beans.

Is your immune system functioning well against viruses?

Now that you know more about essential vitamins for your immune system, you can adapt your daily meals to include more healthy nutritious foods. The cold season doesn’t have to be a threat to your immunity. It can be the perfect opportunity to strengthen it and protect yourself from unwanted diseases.