Many times you have thought about having your own journal in which to write your thoughts, emotions, and feelings, but you did not know how to start. Maybe there were times when you took the pen and thought about writing down everything you had in mind. You wrote everything you had on your mind, out of a desire to free yourself, but on paper, the result seemed like chaos.

In this article, I’ll show you a simple technique to organize your thoughts on paper, actually start to write in a journal, and keep this healthy habit.

How to write in a journal using the WRITE technique?

When you have a pen in your hand and want to start writing in your journal, remember the acronym: WRITE!

W – What – What do you want to write about?

R – Review – Reflect on the reason

I – Investigate – Examine your thoughts and feelings

T – Time – Make time to write

E – Exit – Exit the story and analyze

The first step in writing a journal is to answer the question: What do I want to write about?

Think about the present moment. Find out what situations make you think or provoke strong emotions and feelings. Stay current and give them a name, then start putting everything on paper.

The next step is to take a moment to think. So, stay still, calm your breath and focus only on the text.

Try to start the sentences with first-person singular statements. For example: “I”, “I feel” or “I want”. It also keeps the present tense when you write. Incorporate words such as “Today”, “Now” or “Right Now” into the text.

Examine your thoughts and feelings. As you write, your mind may get lost. Take a moment to balance yourself. In other words, take a break and read what you wrote. In this way, you reconnect with the current situation and you can continue.

The diary is your notebook of thoughts, emotions, and feelings

Write in your journal as long as you feel like doing it. Don’t force yourself to say words when they don’t want to appear.

However, for a journal to benefit you, it is important to make writing a routine. So make sure you write at least 5 minutes a day.

In this journaling stage, you can start noting the time you opened the notebook and the time you closed it. For example, you can set an alarm to tell you when to take care of yourself. This way, you can see how much time it takes to average your journaling.

Finally, get out of the story outlined so far and analyze. In other words, take some time to read everything you wrote that day.

Stay objective and formulate a conclusion of two or three sentences. The latter can start with statements such as “I feel…”, “I notice…”, or “I am aware of…”. Also here you can insert the steps you want to take further.

Now that you know how to write in a journal, stop thinking and start doing!

Courses that will help you increase your personal development level:

  1. Self-esteem
  2. Time management

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