What is a keyword?
Keywords – are the character traits that are used to search for information in search engines, which refer to a specific topic.
When performing
searches using a specific keyword, the search engine starts searching all the indexed pages in the database for all the information that includes the searched word. In the searches, certain operators can be used, associate, or to include certain results.
Types of keywords
All keywords are varied in typology. They are not created in a specific way, they are formed according to the requirements of each type of business.
The role of keywords for the SEO process
They help increase visibility, positioning, and conversion rate, and ultimately, they lead any business to a guaranteed success. Due to the fact that the orientation towards the online environment has become a trend that every business must adhere to, the SEO process becomes more important, implicitly also the keywords.
How to search for keywords for your SEO strategy
First of all, start this process by thinking about the terms you want your business positioning to increase in search engines. It can be ideas that will help you find keywords or even 5-10 terms that you consider important. You need to answer the question “What kind of searches could users do to find my business?” Suppose your business consists of a confectionery, where you produce only homemade cakes, in which you use only natural ingredients. In such a situation the right keywords are homemade cakes, natural ingredients cakes, homemade cakes, and so on.
You can help yourself with search suggestions
When you have no idea, run out of inspiration, and do not know what keywords to include in the list of those on which you will focus your SEO efforts, you can help Google. You can do a search yourself, choosing a random word that best defines your business. If we go back to the previous example, when we were talking about confectionery, try to write “cakes with natural ingredients”. Google will show you exactly which terms users search for most often.
Singular keywords
Represents those keywords composed of a single word, which characterize a particular product or information specific to a niche. However, in most cases, such keywords are far too general and the search results too far.
Plural keywords
The keyword forms used for searches, which address more than one object or information, are plural keywords. Search engines notice such differences, specific endings of keywords that indicate the plural form, giving them equally important importance, as well as single keywords.
Strong keywords
Such keywords have a high search volume and can be both singular and plural. However, the competition is very high for such keywords, and promoting a web page through them can be quite difficult.
Weak keywords
These keywords have a low number of searches but produce enough referrals for some businesses. A weak keyword can be created by adding location to a strong keyword, and the number of keyword searches formed can be verified using a specific tool – even Google offers such a tool. Starting with keywords with fewer searches, any online business can attract more traffic, and gradually you can move on to promotion using strong keywords.
Global keywords
Global keywords do not have a specific location. In this way, they become general, without having restrictions involved in certain geographical regions. These are the generic keywords that are used for searches regardless of geographic location.
Local keywords
These are specific to an area, a city, or even a country, with the aim of targeting searches. Normally these words are associated with the name of the region they refer to.
Seasonal keywords
They record a high volume of searches at certain times of the year. Winter or Easter holidays or other recurring events make it possible to create these types of keywords.
Examples: Christmas cards, Christmas gift baskets
Long-tail keywords
They are also called compound keywords because they represent combinations of keywords with a large number of searches that generate phrases and phrases relevant to the most diverse domains. Such keywords have a higher degree of specificity and can generate enough traffic to promote any business. This automatically increases the conversion rate, compared to that of a normal keyword, also called “short tail”.
While Google keeps us up to date with all the regularly updated algorithm updates, one thing has remained unchanged for marketers and promoters looking to optimize their sites for search engines: keyword research.
The need to do a thorough search for business-relevant keywords has remained the same, perhaps the way you can do this has remained relatively unchanged.
Make a relevant list of topics and notions you know about business
To begin this process, think about the terms for which you want your business rankings to increase in search engines.
It can be 5-10 terms that you consider important or even generic ideas that will help you, later, to find the exact keywords that will help you, going through the whole process.
If you are a blogger and want to promote your blog, these topics will probably refer to the topics you write about, to the main categories of the blog for which you create posts frequently. The situation can be different: it can be about ideas and topics of discussion that appear most in the conversations in which you try to sell your product or service to customers.
If you want to find the best keywords that can drive your business in the first place, you have to put yourself in the shoes of consumers.
Specifically, you will need to answer the question:
What types of searches would users do to find my business?
Once you’ve established some general themes and categories that you think you need to insist on in order to make bigger gains, it’s time to identify the specific words that fall into each idea.
Such keywords and specific phrases are the ones that you think are important for your business to rank first in the SERP (search engine results pages). Most likely your audience will already be searching for these specific terms.
For example, if the idea that the company is targeting is represented by SEO optimization services, you should design a list of phrases and keywords that would be searched for by users related to the topic.
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